Best College for Mathematics in Coimbatore

Dr.N.G.P Arts and science college coimbatore
Thinking of the Top B.Sc Maths College in Coimbatore?
Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science is the Best College for B.Sc Maths in coimbatore. Opt for M.Sc Maths, M.Phil. Maths, Ph.D. Maths at NGPASC
The Department of Mathematics was established in the year 1997.
The department offers undergraduate course B.Sc. Mathematics & postgraduate course (M.Sc.) and a research program (M.Phil.).
It is elevated to full – fledged research department with the introduction of Doctoral degree in 2018 (Ph.D.).
The department of mathematics have highly qualified and dedicated staff members.
Eight faculty members are doctorate holders and the other faculty members are pursuing for their Ph.D. degree.
The department aims at giving students a strong foundation in the basics and motivating them towards specializations for research activities in an inter disciplinary nature.
The main objective of the department is to introduce the curriculum with the latest developments and to promote in-depth knowledge in research.
Faculty members engaged in the research field of Analysis, Differential Equations, Graph Theory, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Operations Research, Stochastic Modeling and Analysis, Mathematical Finance, etc.